Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Hurt My Shoulder Again Hurt My Shoulder Awhile Ago? Hurt It Again ..?

Hurt my shoulder awhile ago? hurt it again ..? - i hurt my shoulder again

In volleyball before the Christmas holidays, in about 2 weeks, I thought, I pulled the muscles around my shoulder, arm and she pulls back, but my shoulder where my rotator cuff injury bad enough, and no, I could not move his arm, and I had no strength

i make hot ice blocks on my shoulder, hoping to make it better, after all he was after a week, and so on.

Well, I'm still hurting a simple fall, extending the arm.

Tuesday night I was snowboarding, and of course, you fall, and just like before. it hurts, I do not know if my rotator cuff, or transmitted in place for the first time in volleyball hurt .. or what.

Should I go to the doctor

and if I live in Canada and get to .. free medical


acdc_sup... said...

Hey there, Dakota. Happy New Year, Hon! Sounds like an active lifestyle. Yes, I would like to see a doctor and checked out his shoulder to go. You do not hold themselves to everyone, is not it? What documents can only say that you have torn his rotator cuff in his shoulder falling alittle. Just take it easy for a while and let the shoulder heal. To see that the right shoulder? btw, my name is David and I am honored to write today evening. Have a great day today. Take care and God bless. Bye for now.

Mashizzl... said...

Please go to the doctors! You have no idea how bad it is to have free medical care, and if I rely solely on my body to get better without doctors.

Turn off your arm for a few weeks, go to Walgreens and buy 3 inches and bandages wrapped around his shoulders to limit the muscle and relieve pain. You can add a little arm-holder that holds the arms on his chest (you need the name comes from me). But you can get better advice from a doctor, they go first!

Slinky said...

The doctors are useless. Your options are to repair or suffer still.

http://hubpages.com/hub/Speed-healing-of ... the necessary information.

Gerry said...

Tip: Heating attention and do something down, and it should go in two weeks. Happy new year

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