Can I upgrade my 2007 LS Cobalt with SS parts? - new cobalt ss
I bought a 2007 Cobalt LS and want to buy upgrades for it. I understand that my warranty is void, because in parts, and if I the real Cobalt SS GM products. I just want to know if you have my LS is essentially an upgrade of the SS, how difficult and costly.
You can ... but they suck
You can do it. This may not be true factory bolt holes, so you may need to drill a little, but everything should work again.
When I said to the UN-1991 Quad 4 HO work on a transsexual Mabuya 1998, you can update an LS to an SS.
NO! Unless n ur Foose has all the tools it for shop No. 4th
and you need a compressor that will cost a great fight, even more
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