Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fertile Mucus When Menstruation Due Fertile Cervical Mucus During Menstruation ???????????

Fertile cervical mucus during menstruation ??????????? - fertile mucus when menstruation due

Has anyone experience with fertile cervical mucus during menstruation? I had egg white CM is highly elastic, while in my tenure. Can you fertile during menstruation (I) a + / - 24 cycles per day?


Vicky said...

This is quite normal for a short cycle. I also have cycles of 24 days, and I EWCM the end of my time. I have followed for 21 cycles, so that I do I ovulate on CD9 or 10 of each month (also normal ovulation is still about 14 days before your next period) is born. I want to be sure, a day directly from the end of the period until around CD12 or 13 years BD. It may very fertile during her period with a cycle of 24 days. Hey - there are advantages that we back every year than women with long cycles, TTC:)

got2bhap... said...

Not all women have to know an average of 28 days cycle with ovulation in the middle (like you!), It is impossible to say that you might not be ovulating. However, the chances are very slim. The time of ovulation is is because a few weeks or days before and the egg is not fertilized. Now his body is the removal of the uterus, are willing to become pregnant should be supported. It's just a general time you do not become pregnant in your cycle. The risk of pregnancy during the period has more to do with the fact that sperm can live up to 5 days, so if you have sex during the time of ovulation and thus before the call "half-14th Day, there is likely to become pregnant.

In any case, the cervical mucus proteins also remember the relief you get when you - and perhaps win a possibility? So for women who are monitoring their cm, they do not say check when they wake up. Can be misleading. Or slime you see is only part of its mandate and all the "tricks" your body is. to get rid of

Anyway, good luck ya!

PG after 4.5 yrs! Stick baby!! said...

It is very rare for a woman during menstruation or shortly after ovulation, and mature in most cases, the egg is not viable because there are not enough hormones and time.

I agree with the mother of the E ... This is probably what you get. It is not unusual for a woman to see something like EWCM during, immediately before or immediately after the AF. I think the best thing to teach when they are fertile. Tip: TBC.

angels_c... said...

You can get pregnant anytime of the month. the only safe way is not pregnant, have no sex. The discharge is normal. It appears that the discharge is normal. If you are interested to see a doctor if.

Just me said...

There is mucus in the membrane, which is paid during menstration. This is probably what you see.

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