Why do some users post links to these types of photos (of "black" women)? - black and photos of women in suspenders
Just no one does not understand me wrong, I make a point to say that I believe women of all groups are large. And that includes the society considers "black". So the question is put in no way a negative thing about "black" women to expression. Is not my intention to hurt anyone. I'm curious to know why you do the following:
Many of us for links to photos. I am sure, have noticed most of us. And of course, are also pictures of women among those published. People post in response to several questions: "What breed of women you find attractive?" "Do you think black women are sexy?" Why men do not know how black women? Is the black man, I like white women? "And so on ... Many of them are stupid. ... But no matter
Anywhooo ....
I noticed that some answers very nice photos of "black" women are not very curved ". Nice. No biggie. But these images are often published by peopleindicate why they
BIA, I'm so insulted! I can not believe that you ... hehehe, just playing with ya:) (:
People post pictures of thin black women, but said they want to "Curves"? It's strange. The best estimate I can is a common phenomenon to bear; miscomunication. There is a large country in the world is bigger, and you may have noticed, just maybe (not) that the words "friend of all Arent Maybe. Using" Curves "and this means something different to the meaning of the word be understood in this context.Maybe, which means "well trained" or "lean" and says that "Curves" is a synonym.
That, or maybe dumb.Keep are in the eye, it Y7:) (:
You're right ...
"As if someone express a preference for" white "women according to their conscience or her that" white "women thin - makes no sense, which links to photos of heavy white" means "women."
... The problem is that not too many people here think.
You're right ...
"As if someone express a preference for" white "women according to their conscience or her that" white "women thin - makes no sense, which links to photos of heavy white" means "women."
... The problem is that not too many people here think.
This thing is whites tend to be a place for things that are seen on the media. If they say that the link is generally hot Asian girl hot, but seem to ignore the reality. I Geuss that chavs Wiggers and done.
****. How stupid
I think everyone who does not know that the skin color is only a shadow of what we all really quite silly.
Black is a reference to the culture as the foundation.
And I read the entire message.
I understand what you mean, I think people are so
lol I've never seen before. All pictures I've seen that people of black women are fat. I do not know whether you know the correct definition is "large" is exactly what I think the definition of thickness is not everything. Do you think that the "close" means that someone is great, because if I know you can now say that this is not "serious". Anyway, I have my own theory ........ I think you are angry because you can write all the images of black women so fat and I think you're a little jealous of honey, but it's a shame, because nobody goes to change it for you.
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