Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Leg Problems More Condition_symptoms What Type Of Doctor Can One See For Leg Problems..vein Circulation,nerves,water Retention,muscle Cramps?

What type of Doctor can one see for leg problems..vein circulation,nerves,water retention,muscle cramps? - leg problems more condition_symptoms

One of my leg veins has been cut ... and retain a large quantity of water in both legs now. also damaged a nerve in my leg from behind, causing the other. My leg still hurts, but I feel that my muscle spasms can all time.I toes.I the tape damage.All it was due to errors by incompetent doctors .... committed have caused need for a specialist who will see in fact a specialized leg weakness ..... Thank you for your help


elenanik said...

I think you should see a neurologist and a Google search on the 50 and 100 neurologists (or any other number) in your area. I selected on the basis of lists of doctors in this way and has never disappointed. In addition, before the procedure and medicine, try to see a few doctors and seek their opinion.

elenanik said...

I think you should see a neurologist and a Google search on the 50 and 100 neurologists (or any other number) in your area. I selected on the basis of lists of doctors in this way and has never disappointed. In addition, before the procedure and medicine, try to see a few doctors and seek their opinion.

jmicaall... said...

Its media
The media are always celebrities obsesseive
Follow all the parties, etc.
and can never be given to privacy

Watch Britney ... she needed her privacy and was not given
The media have done their worst
See Farrah Fawcett and Leni, when she had cancer of the media was never left alone
these things are crazy about someone bount

Your Assistant said...

Beyond the control of drugs, the pain unbearable, a desperate cry for help, something radical, because the brain does not work and you know you need help, is something primitive and irrational, c is several times a day do people around us. He probably saved his life.
His assistant

cynica said...

A call for help and attention, perhaps?

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